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Studio: GDS230 - Games Studio 3 (SAE Institue Sydney)

Avalanche Dash is a take on the classic infinite runner game genre, where the player is skiing away from an avalanche while avoiding oncoming obstacles. 

Project Details


Release: 24 August 2018

Studio: GDS230 - Games Studio 3 (SAE Institue Sydney)

Platforms: Android

Team size:

Project length: 3 months

Responsibilities: all art asset creation, world building, creative & design direction/collaboration, business development, marketing & community management, writing

Engine and tools: Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Google Docs, Google Drive, Visual Studio, C# language, Youtube

WHat's Avalanche Dash?


  • Avalanche Dash is a take on the classic infinite runner game genre, where the player is skiing away from an avalanche while avoiding oncoming obstacles. 

  • The theme of Avalanche dash is childish take on the scenario of running from an avalanche in a cartoon demeanour. 

  • The aesthetic of the game is simple and cartoonist. 

  • The objective of the game is to achieve the highest score you can accomplish.

Download the game design document here

(Click the icon)

Download the game here

(Click the icon)

Thank you for downloading

Hi, I am Tu Linh (Luciana) and I contributed my roles as Art Design, Logo Design, 3D models Design, Mechanic Supporter, Marketing Supporter in this project

Meet The Team (Replay Entertainment Studio)      



Level Designer, Art Director, Model Creator

Team: Replay Entertainment Studio (RES Production)



Head of Sales, Programmer, Level Designer

Team: Replay Entertainment Studio (RES Production)



Product Manager, Marketing Manager

Team: Replay Entertainment Studio (RES Production)

Hi, I am Luigi and I contributed my roles as Programmer, Core Mechanic Creator, 3D model supporter, Marketing Supporter in this project

Hi, I am Andrew and I contributed my roles as Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Audio Supporter in this project

My CONTRIBUTIONS                               


  • I was responsible for doing art design, logo design, 3D models and also supported the team with marketing for the game.

  • I also did the animation controller for the main character such as jumping, sliding, idle, death,... However, this part will not show up in the actual game play as the team decided to steer away the animation for the character.

  • I play a main role in character modelling and UI design. The UI design for the game was done in photoshop CS6 by mouse drawing. The character models and 9 skins as well as obstacle models were made by Blender program. And the game logo was made by Illustrator.

  • I also play a role as a designer for game poster advertisement.

Work Details                                 


3D Model Design

Snowman Skins.PNG
  • Model: Snowman

  • Skin size: 9 skins
    + Gentleman
    + Reindeer
    + Warm Winter
    + Kangaroo
    + Panda, Bear
    + Penguin
    + Geoff - the lecturer

  • Design tool: Blender
  • Testing tool: Unity

Art Design

  • Design tool: Illustrator

Team Logo_2.png

Poster Design

  • Design tool: Photoshop CS6

Game Title NEW 2.png
  • Design tool: Photoshop CS6

Play Button.png
Change Character Button.png
Game Poster.png
  • Design tool: Photoshop CS6

~Thank​ you~
  • EtsyLogo_ORANGE_large
  • storenvy
  • deviantart_logo_2__green_original___by_s
  • Wordpress_Blue_logo
  • Facebook Social Icon
  • 600px-Instagram_logo_2016.svg
  • 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c545

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